For Students
Welcome to Roton Middle School.
At Roton Middle School, we foster an experience where independent and collaborative thinking skills are encouraged. With particular emphasis on literacy, numeracy, and social emotional learning, all students are exposed to rich curricula in addition to various extracurricular activities to enhance their real-world connections.
At Roton, every student is equipped to excel at our rigorous, world-class curricula, within a personalized learning environment.
Panorama Student Survey - Coming Spring 2025
RMS Homework Hotline
The RMS Homework Hotline designed to keep students and parents/guardians informed of the homework that needs to be completed for each core class. You will be able to access documents, homework assignments, and more! If you have any questions, feel free to email any of the teachers.
Find information about our school policies including attendance, arrival and dismissal, inclement weather and more.
Roton Middle School
201 Highland Ave. Norwalk, CT 06852
Ed Singleton | Principal | Phone: 203-899-2930