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Citizens of the Month


Introducing...April's IB Citizens of the Month: Knowledgeable

Let's give a round of applause to the Knowledgeable students at Roton who explore concepts, and issues that have local and global significance. They are well rounded in all classes and are eager to share their knowledge with others! 

Congratulations to our Roton IB KNOWLEDGEABLE STUDENTS !



Introducing...March's IB Citizens of the Month: Risk-Takers

Let's give a round of applause to the fearless students at Roton who dare to take a risk and embrace the unknown! Whether it's tackling a challenging class, joining a new club, or venturing into unexplored academic territories, these risk-takers are the ones who shape the future!

Congratulations to our Roton IB RISK TAKERS!


Introducing...February's IB Citizens of the Month: Caring

These students consistently show how they care for others each day. They show empathy, respect, and compassion for everything and everyone!

Congratulations our Roton IB CARING STUDENTS!


Introducing...January's IB Citizens of the Month: Thinker.

These students embody the characteristics of thinkers by applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned ethical decisions. 

Congratulations our Roton IB Thinkers!


Introducing...December's IB Citizens of the Month: Reflective.

These students are reflectors! They are always demonstrating a commitment to thoughtful reflection. Reflectors are students who actively engage in self-reflection, fostering a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Congratulations to our Roton IB Reflectors for their dedication to personal growth and fostering a positive environment within our school community! 


Introducing...November's IB Citizens of the Month: Inquirers. 

These students embrace curiosity, honing their skills in inquiry and research.

Congratulations to our Roton IB Inquirers! Stay Curious!


Introducing...October's IB Citizens of the Month: Communicators.

These students use their communication skills constantly. They are always thinking about how to express themselves in a thoughtful manner. With mindful expressions, they not only convey their ideas effectively but also strive to understand others! These communicators play a vital role in fostering a harmonious environment within our IB community.

Congratulations to our Roton IB Communicators. You are all outstanding individuals for exemplifying the spirit of effective communication!


Introducing...Septembers IB Citizens of the Month: Balanced.

When students feel balanced, they are empowered to navigate challenges with resilience. These individuals exemplify a positive approach to learning and well-being, demonstrating the importance of balancing academics, extracurriculars, and personal growth.

Congratulations to our September IB Balanced Citizens for showing us the value of balancing both academic and personal journeys!